
Everything you should know about Herb plants.

by Volkan Özkesici on May 13, 2022

Blog about Herb Seeds, Indoor growing and care guide

Herb seeds can be started quickly indoors at any time of year, though they grow best in the spring/summer when the days are longer and the light is higher. They require around 4 hours of natural light per day, and you can also supplement with grow lights to make sure they grow well. To ensure success, follow these growing tips. Once you've started your seeds, don't forget to water them well to prevent fungal infections. In the meantime, enjoy your new herb plants!

Growing herbs from seed

To grow herbs from seed, you should first ensure that the soil is at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. While this temperature is not ideal for most seeds, the germinating process must begin properly. Some seeds require light to germinate, while others prefer darkness. A seed flat should have at least 3/4 of the potting mix. You can add compost or perlite to the mix if the herb likes a lot of moisture. For self-watering containers, fill the container 3/4 full. Once the soil has been prepared, spread the herb seeds on the soil, covering the seeds with a depth recommended by the seed packet.

Seedlings are an easy way to start a new herb garden. Herb seedlings typically cost anywhere from one to ten dollars. Herb seeds can cost hundreds of times less than these. During this time, herb seedlings are a great way to try out different varieties. Growing herbs from seeds can be a fun project that is both rewarding and good for the environment. Just remember to do your research and be patient! You'll be glad you did!

When starting your herb garden, you should decide on the climate you will be growing your plants in. Some herbs do well in cooler temperatures, but you might want to consider the type of soil you'll be using. If you are going to grow herbs outdoors, use well-draining soil. Thyme also enjoys heat, so you should consider the climate you live in. Then, you can plan when you'll plant your seeds outside.

Germination of herb seeds


herb plants are growing on the window


Herb seeds can be directly sown in the ground or started indoors. Cool-weather herbs can be planted in early spring, while warm-season seeds can be started after the danger of frost is past. Herb seeds have fine seeds and a long germination period, so you should start indoors if you want to plant them outside in the fall. Germination of herb seeds may take up to seven weeks.

Herb seedlings require at least 6 hours of light per day, and this can be achieved by placing them in a window with south or western exposure. However, as plants grow larger, they will require increased lighting, and supplemental fluorescent lights are recommended. Fluorescent lights should be placed four inches away from the seedlings and should be on for at least ten hours per day. Seedlings should also be pruned once they reach six to eight weeks old. Trim the top leaves to encourage the lateral spread and a bushier appearance.

To facilitate germination, seedlings must receive as much light as possible. During the day, leave the container outdoors, and leave it inside at night. In frost-free climates, you can leave the container outdoors during the day and keep it indoors during the night. To help with germination, consider purchasing a heat mat. These mats can significantly increase the speed of germination. If you live in an area where the temperature is consistently above freezing, you can buy a heat mat and cover the container with it.

In an ideal growing environment, herbs should have 4 to six hours of sunlight per day. To increase the chances of success, choose a spot in your house with high light and indirect sunlight. Most herbs will thrive indoors if you use an indoor light source. Alternatively, you can purchase a seedling and plant it. These plants should grow in pots of equal size. It is also possible to grow herbs from cuttings.

Soil types

Soil is one of the essential factors in a thriving herb garden. The right kind of soil is crucial in this aspect. Potted herbs require two parts of sterile potting soil and one piece of compost or perlite. Both of these materials are lightweight and help retain moisture. The latter also helps in air circulation. Using high-quality soil is recommended. Read on to discover which one is best for your herb seeds.

First, consider the location of your herb garden. You need to choose a place that has proper drainage. Herbs should not be planted in poorly drained soils because the water would drown the roots. Poor drainage areas may require modification, such as installing underground drainage tiles or raised beds. The soil must be able to hold moisture and nutrients. Fortunately, most herbs do not need high-pH soils. They can be grown in both acidic and neutral soils.

To choose the best potting soil for your herbs, you should know the type of soil you have. Most herbs thrive in soil made of potting mix or soil with dirt mixed in. However, you may want to use a potting mix with the right pH balance. Generally, the soil's pH level should be around 6.5, although this will vary depending on the type of herb you're growing.

In addition to soil types, you need to consider the container. Container gardening is an ideal way to grow your herbs. The soil is easy to drain and has suitable organic materials for your herbs to thrive. Container-grown herbs like cilantro, parsley, and rosemary are best grown in containers because their roots are shallow compared to other plants. Moreover, herb seeds are generally suitable for planting at any time of the year so that you can plant them.


Fertilization of herb seeds


blog about herb plant seeds, how to grow and care


Before transplanting your herbs, they need to be hardened off and adapted to outdoor conditions. You can grow them in pots, in a designated herb plot in your garden, or alongside other vegetables in your flowerbeds. Herbs are attractive to look at, and their blooms are also a welcome sight for many beneficial insects. To grow herbs successfully, follow these steps. Identifying when your plants need fertilization is essential.

Herbs grow best in a sunny location in your garden, as they don't like too much shade and prefer a pH level of 6.5 or higher. They need eight hours of sun per day, and partial shade won't produce the same aroma or taste as full sun plants. Most herbs are low maintenance once they're established, and they require little maintenance once they're well-established. Some, however, may need a little help during the winter season.

Herb seeds require pollination to germinate. The pollen is carried by the plant's stigma and has three essential nuclei. The seed develops into a viable seed when fertilized. The embryo is the seed's embryonic shoot. Once mature, the seed must disperse and be found by wildlife. Herb seeds may have a hard shell or be covered in the flesh. Some seeds can respond to changes in temperature, and you can fool nature by placing the seeds in the fridge.

Besides ensuring the survival of your plants, the fertilization of herb seeds can be advantageous to the environment. Pollen load is a key factor in determining how many seeds are produced. It can also affect the timing of pollen deposition, which affects the genetic quality. However, the evidence for this theory is relatively weak. In addition to the number of seeds produced, it may also influence the seed-bearing capacity.

Harvesting herbs

Herbs produce large, seed-laden flower heads like dill, caraway, and anise. Harvest the seeds as they ripen before the plant has finished flowering. Place the heads on a sheet of paper, newspaper, or craft paper. Allow sitting for a few weeks until the seeds fall out. Then, spread them out on a clean sheet of paper. Harvesting herbs and seeds can be an easy and inexpensive project.

When to harvest herbs: Some species are best harvested when their flower buds open, but others are best harvested when they're fully open. For most herbs, the peak time to harvest is when the flower buds are about one-third open. Though mints are an exception to this rule because their flavour and oil content peak at full flower. If you'd like to harvest the flowers early in the spring, you can cut them just before they wilt.

Herbs should be harvested in the early morning to avoid the plants getting too hot. Herbs can also be gathered by deadheading or removing the flowers before they bloom. When harvesting herbs, be sure to avoid sprayed plants - these pesticides can kill your herbs, but you'll still get the leaves. If you plan to harvest your own seeds, try to pick them up early in the morning or early in the afternoon.

 After harvesting your herbs, you should dry them by drying them on paper towels. You can also hang the bunches upside-down in a paper bag with ventilation holes. Make sure to hang the bag somewhere dry and warm, but not in direct sunlight. This will allow the herbs to dry for four to six weeks. Once they're dry, you can store the herb's seeds in an airtight container. If you can't find a place to dry them, you can always place them in the pantry or kitchen.

Easy growing herbs indoors, balcony, or in the garden


Oregano is an easy herb to grow



Oregano is a versatile, ancient culinary herb native to the Greek countryside. This spicy, slightly bitter herb pairs well with many vegetables. It is effortless to grow. Read on to learn some tips for beginners. Regardless of your level of gardening, oregano is a great plant to get started with. Growing oregano is surprisingly easy! Start by planting seeds on a sunny windowsill, and once the soil warms up, plant them in the ground. You can harvest the leaves from the stems as they grow. Oregano will grow best in light soil, and it makes a beautiful ground cover, too.


Oregano belongs to the genus Oreganum. It is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean and northern America. The leaves are oval and fragrant and edible. The flowers are a little less fragrant but are also edible. You can also buy oregano as an annual if your climate is less than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant is a good choice for both edging and containers.


This perennial herb can grow year-round in mild climates. In early spring, prune it back by a third once it has finished flowering and harvest oregano for its culinary and medicinal uses. You can dry the leaves and use them for crafts. Oregano is relatively pest-resistant and resistant to disease and most garden pests. It is also good for the environment and attracts beneficial insects.

Thyme is a versatile herb



Thyme is a hardy plant that needs a little care and grows best in full sunlight. Planting thyme from seed should be done after the last frost date and in good soil with a pH of about 7.0. Adding sand or gravel to the planting area before planting is helpful, improving drainage and preventing root rot. To get the best growth from thyme, fertilize it once a week with liquid seaweed.

Harvest thyme leaves whenever needed - ideally not more than one-third of the plant's size. Harvesting thyme leaves will result in less harvesting, but the leaves retain their flavour. Thyme is a complex plant to propagate from seed, but it is relatively easy to root by stem cuttings. Take a few inches-long cuttings, which should be about three inches long. Make sure to separate the stems so that new growth is present on both sides. In addition, make sure to mulch the area well. 

Thyme is a highly versatile herb that has numerous uses. It is an excellent ground cover, preventing weeds from choking out your strawberry plants. It prevents water evaporation and attracts beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs. Thyme has several medicinal uses that are backed by scientific research. Thymol, a herb component, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. Thyme is an excellent choice for planting around fruiting plants, such as blueberries and grapefruit.


Parsley is a multi-functional Italian herb

One of the easiest herbs to grow, parsley is ideal for the kitchen. The stems are thick and pliable and can be harvested when the plant reaches six inches in height. Harvesting is best done from the outside, as snipping the tops will stunt new growth. If you want to harvest more parsley, you can dry it. Dry it in a warm oven to retain its flavor.

If you don't have a garden but are interested in learning how to grow herbs from seed, you can try sowing parsley seeds indoors. You can buy seedlings from a supermarket, but they may produce patchy results if they're not started from seed. Parsley plants require bright and sunny spots and need at least six hours of sunlight each day. Once the seedlings have germinated, you can transplant them to a container or grow them in soil.


Parsley is not difficult to grow, and you'll only need a few plants to meet your culinary needs. Depending on the type of harvest you want, you can harvest a handful of leaves every few days or an entire bunch at a time. While parsley is best enjoyed fresh, you can also dry it quickly to keep the flavour and colour intact. You can even grow parsley in containers on your sunny windowsill.

Chives are an easy herb to grow

Chives grow in clusters of small bulbs close to the soil line. When chives bloom, they should be harvested from eight to ten days after they emerge. If you want to save more chives, you can freeze them for later use. Chives grow best in cooler climates. Chives can be transplanted into containers as young plants. To plant them indoors, sow chive seeds between March and June and transplant them when the soil is warm enough to handle the plants.

Chives are a perennial with a mild onion flavour. Chives will pop up in clumps in spring and bloom in early summer. Their leaves and edible flowers are delicious and can be used in salads and baked potatoes. Garlic chives have a more robust garlic flavour and will resprout and flower after you prune them. This makes chives an excellent choice for a potted herb garden.


One of the easiest herbs to grow is chives. It is a versatile herb that can be used for cooking and garnishing. You can use chives on your steamed vegetables or add them to fish stock for poaching. You can also sprinkle chives over potato salads or cream cheese. Chives are a great addition to potato salads and potato dishes. They also make delicious herb butter.


Sage is an ornamental plant



Sage is a very easy ornamental plant that you can grow from seed. However, several varieties do not have seeds readily available. Sow seeds around the last date you expect the soil to freeze. After the soil dries, water sage once a day for 30 seconds. Sage needs evenly moist soil to thrive. Plant it about an eighth of an inch deep in well-drained, loamy soil when planting it outdoors. Water it once a day for two weeks until it has emerged. After this time, the plant can be harvested.

Because sage does not have any problems, it is relatively easy to take care of. You will want to avoid overhead watering because sage is prone to mildew. Also, keep in mind that it is susceptible to spider mites and slugs. If you find any pests, use a beer trap to get rid of them. You can also use Q-tips to treat the insects that infest your plants.

Growing sage in a pot is ideal for beginners and those who do not have access to perfect soil and light conditions for growing. You can even move the plant to different locations to get the right sunlight exposure. Choose a pot that is eight inches deep and roughly the same width. Use a pot made of unglazed clay so that moisture can evaporate through the pot's walls. Make sure the container has drainage holes.


Sage is a good source of vitamin C



A perennial sage can be grown either in containers or in the ground. It does not need much care and is generally pest-resistant. The leaves of sage are edible and can be fried in brown butter. When paired with cooked pasta, sage can help relieve the symptoms of hot flushes and other conditions associated with menopause. It is also used in the treatment of diabetes.


Sage is widely used in British cooking and is often paired with pork and is used in stuffing. The flavor of sage grows stronger as the leaves mature. Sage contains vitamin C and potassium and is a good source of these nutrients. Sage is also a low-growing, evergreen shrub that thrives in sunny and well-drained areas. It grows in various conditions and is an excellent choice for the kitchen.


Another great herb to grow is chives. A perennial member of the onion family, chives are an excellent source of vitamin C and beta carotene. It has an onion-like flavour and is great for potato salads, soups, and French omelettes. Sage is a wonderfully aromatic plant with a peppery taste. It is also a good source of vitamin C and is popular with black seasonings.


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For tiny seeds grow mighty trees!